Monday, December 10, 2007

From WOW! Micro-minerals

Upper Photo: November Strawberries, 2007

Lower Photo: 2006 comparison, Upper WOW, lower non-WOW

This E-mail was sent November 23, 2007 from Michael A. Smith, long time high school teacher in Durham, Maine to Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, Executive Director of Marketing, about our new product, WOW!, the plant food that he has been using on his strawberries for two years now.

Michael was asked to let us know how his strawberries had gone for the last two years. He responded with the following.


It was nice talking to you today. There really isn't a story, per se, about the strawberries. What is interesting though, is that they are still alive and producing. Technically, the berries that are out there currently froze the other night, so they're no good. but the plants aren't dead yet. and of course, this is Maine, where strawberry production ended in August.

Last year I did a test group and a control group:

the upper ones were "with" and the lower ones "without." This year, I treated all the plants, and picked these on November 4th: so there's the story.

Talk to you soon
